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What are meme ads?

Meme ads are a unique opportunity to encourage younger audiences to stop scrolling or browsing and actually pay attention to the meme content, craft highly targeted messages, and show brand personality all in one swoop. Meme ads as a concept are built on already existing content and format.

Do you mind watching Toystory YouTube ads?

Toystory Youtube Ads Meme Sure. Some people don’t mind watching ads. Because. Well – I have no clue. Send me a message if you figured it out, I’d love to know!

What is meme marketing & why is it important?

A meme can be any type of media format, including a GIF, video, text-post, or basic image. The truly successful memes spread like wildfire. That’s exactly why marketers want to leverage these already viral pieces of creative for their own marketing. Another benefit to meme marketing is that it’s low effort.

Does BarkBox have funny meme ads?

From the success of their Instagram, BarkBox also has some funny meme ads that truly grab users’ attention. For example, the top carousel ad features a dachshund, a short-legged, long-bodied dog, with the text “How quarantine is starting to feel:” (hint: the answer is very, very long like a dachshund).

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